Energy Management, Smart Home & MIPP
Dr Saroj Joshi and his dreams
Dr Saroj Joshi is a PhD in Power Electrical Engineering. With over decades of experience in Energy Management, he spare his valuable time in sharing his expertise, experiences, ideas and vision on TechFLow.Space premises. The event ‘Energy Management, Smart Home Concept and MIPP’ was held on 18th of June, 2019 with the participation of more than 40 people of different backgrounds and organizations.
As the event started with brief intro to TechFlow.Space, their vision, ongoing courses and training and their future plans, Dr. Joshi continued thereafter with the smart home concept and how he got into the smart home 6 months ago.
Dr. Saroj Joshi shared his idea of smart grids technology to the developing country like Nepal. The topic mainly revolved around the idea of generating electricity from multiple sources like solar, hydropower, thermal and so on. How we could turn on and off these sources of power as per demand by the city. However, this required efforts from government level as the whole grid of the city has to be upgraded. He outlined the concept of a smart city.
The third topic on which Dr Joshi talked about was smart energy for houses. He explained how our country was losing billions of rupees to gas import and just by using solar and induction heaters we could minimize the use of gas. As the initial cost of solar is quite high, many people are reluctant to install solar power system initially. But the idea he shared was implementing these solar in government offices and other offices which operate mainly during daytime which will save a lot of electricity for NEA which on the other hand can be given to industries. The development of the country is defined by the energy consumed by it and we have to produce more energy to promote development and industries and to initiate a revolution. If the cost is too high for a single family, a small community of family could install the system and use it among themselves. Then he introduced the concept of MIPP, Mini Independent Power Plant. He described how solar energy can be smartly used directly with or without battery. Since the battery is the most expensive part of the solar installation, this enables people to use solar without battery. He explained that in the future, we could create a credit system for people who generate electricity from solar and sell excess to NEA which earns them credit.

He stated the main reason people not using solar is the initial high cost and some cultural issues as well. Even people who can afford cars would not put solar in the home. And the people who put solar in their home do not have a smart solar system, which is to say solar is only used as a battery charger, not a direct source to power the appliances in the households. There were lots of questions in the section from the audience like how we can encourage people to use solar, discussion on the use of lead-acid battery versus lithium polymer batteries.
Dr. Joshi has co-founded S. & P. Consultants Pvt Ltd to embark the same interest he shared today. The company is an engineering consulting and creating firm in energy department with its expertise in providing solar PV System and installation services with experts from the US and Nepal. Solar PV system for residential, commercial and Industries is one of our expertise, where we provide following services :
- Design, Build and maintain Solar PV systems.
- Conduct seminars on above related field and train clients as required to meet the challenges. S & P has own safety standards and codes.
- S & P customize system, value engineering to save money as well as save on electrical bills by generating own energy independent of grid.
Visit their site for more details.
Energy crisis in Nepal has been a serious issue always. If we don’t act now, we might not even get a chance to react later. Having said that, using Solar as the alternative energy would be an ideal scenario in context to Nepal. Beside being renewable and non pollution source of energy, it also provides sustainability and convenience. With the motto, ‘No corruption, no commission, no emission’ S. & P. Consultants are doing some amazing work in Nepal and TechFlow.Space is proud and gratified to be in working in collaboration with them.